Bailey Brooks #1533 Hello one and all and welcome to the newest meeting of the Interracial Blowbang. Today’s menu is Bailey Brooks. Growing up in White America she wasn’t allowed to date or even be seen with black guys. Well, what daddy doesn’t know won’t hurt him. She’s a smoking white girl with years of black cock frustration built up inside her. Lucky for us, we’re going to let her take it out on us. Since she’s used to sucking on limp white noodles it took some time to get her mouth wide enough to swallow black dick. Needless to say we stretched that mouth open so she’d never have trouble taking big black dick. The spit coming from her mouth covered our dcks as well as made a pool on the floor. Check out how white girl stuffs balls in her mouth showing that not all white people do the bare minimum when it comes to taking care of business. Her cocksucking talents made us temporarily forget the evils of the white man’s ways. We held out for as long as possible until it was time to shower her in black jizz. We took our time since most of us got no jobs since The Man still runs things…..for now.
Date: March 15, 2023
Bailey Brooks